An Invitation to read the New Testament
Have you ever wanted to really dig into the Bible? I know I have. The first time I got serious about Bible reading, I was in high school. I really wanted to know more about the book I had read bits about in Sunday School, so I started in Genesis and just started plowing through it. I believe that by the time I got to Leviticus, I was mighty discouraged. I may have given up in the middle of Numbers. My plan failed for many reasons. One was that perhaps it's not a good idea to start in Genesis. (Although Genesis does have some very good stories in it.) Another was that I was reading by myself, and didn't have anyone to talk with when I got to parts I didn't understand. Some of us are going to read the New Testament together beginning in June. There will be a 90-day guide, which you can download here , where you can check off what you have read, and catch up if you get behind. There will be a number of us who are reading...