Day 27: John 13-16. Jesus' Last Teachings

This is a large section of scripture (four chapters), and it is made up of Jesus' final teachings before his crucifixion.  He is with them in the upper room.  It is the night when he will share a meal with them for the last time.  But John does not spend any time on this meal.  Instead, he tells of something else Jesus did:  an object lesson.

Jesus washes his disciples feet.

Though we no longer wash feet as a matter of hospitality, it was a common occurrence in New Testament times.  A good host would provide his guests an opportunity to wash their feet when they entered his home.  (If you recall in Luke 7, Jesus chides Simon the Pharisee for not doing this.)  However, the host would NEVER wash feet himself.  He would send a servant to do that.

So Peter's shock when Jesus himself washes their feet.  But this is the lesson, "Love one another as I have loved you."  And what kind of love does Jesus show?  Servant love.

For John, it all comes down to love.  The love of God for us, for the world, our love for one another, and our love for the world.

For three chapters, Jesus teaches his disciples what are the most important things for them to know and to remember when he is crucified, and after he is raised and ascends to God.  The Comforter will come to you.  The world will hate you.  Do not be troubled.  You will have trouble in the world.  I have to go, for it I don't go away, the Comforter/Advocate will not come to you.  There is room in my father's house.  These are some of the things that Jesus says.  But, if you read and re-read and re-re-read these three chapters, it's inescapable:  the one most important theme keeps coming back:  "Love one another as I have loved you."

Jesus has just washed their feet, bend down to serve them.  He is about to die for them.  He wants them to form a community where people are willing to die for each other, willing to live for each other, willing to serve one another.  And, more than anything else, this commitment will be a witness to the world.

Jesus speaks of his love for the Father, and the Father's love for him.  He speaks of abiding in his love, like branches rail life from the vine.  He speaks of his love for them "greater love as no one than this:  to lay down one's life for one's friends."

he calls them friends.  I don't know how many examples of deep friendship we have in our culture, but it's worth pondering:  Jesus talking about friendship as a deep and chosen commitment.  He is talking about people who are willing to trust each other with secrets.  Jesus says we are his friends because he has entrusted us with "everything he has heard from his Father."

It all comes down to love.  Three chapters of instructions; he needs to say it over and over and over.

And over.


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