Day 69: Titus 1-3. A short, personal Letter

Titus and the next letter we will read are similar in some ways, and very different in some others.  Titus is a church letter.  Philemon may also have been, but that's not why Paul is writing to him.  Paul is writing to Titus in his role as a leader of a church.

The letter to Titus does not seem as personal.  It is concerned with church order and everyone's behavior.  Paul does not want the congregation members to give offense in the community, so advices master and slaves, older men and older women, and advises the congregation members to live in peace in the community as well.  Paul seems to be concerned that no one make waves -- he doesn't seem like the same person who once healed a slave girl who was possessed by a demon, because she was following them around and shouting.  He doesn't seem like the same person who made waves everywhere he went, until people say, "These people who have turned the world upside down have come here also!"

But something is going on in the world now -- and Paul is concerned that the community not make waves.

Perhaps he is concerned about possible persecution.  Perhaps it is that Paul is older, and thinks Jesus may delay in returning.  Perhaps he is concerned that the church, while remaining true to Jesus, also make a good impression on their neighbors, so that more people will come to know Jesus.  It's likely that it is a little bit of all of these things.

I don't think it's that Paul doesn't want us to make waves -- but perhaps he is concerned that we make waves in such as way that we get people interested in knowing Jesus, rather than the other way around.

What do you think?


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